Hello Railway World of Enthusiast in Railway Technologies!

In the 1980-ties I started to write periodically feature articles for Sri Lankan Newspapers on Rail-Track Technology & Engineering and on Safe Train Operation. Those articled dealt with Sri Lanka Railways specific problems and shortcomings.

Over the years the circle of the clients in Austria, Sri Lanka, India, Australia and Iran interested in my technical papers and reports, covering all current modern aspects of Railway Technologies, has increased.

Step by step the web-site volume will be increased in near future by a series of papers prepared for seminars, technical exhibitions, model railway exhibitions and for selected railway track engineers consultants and Indian authors of Railway Engineering books.

A Railway is an interactive system, where all components and constituents interact with each other. The system has to be dealt in its entity rather by its components. The different disciplines with Permanent Way Engineers, Rolling Stocks and Motive Power Engineers, Signal Engineers, Infrastructure Engineers, Safety and Commissioning Boards, Front-Line Personnel like Train Drivers, Station Masters, Platform Operators, Dispatchers & Coordinators & Organizers, Control-Room Officers must work together and must have a deep understanding for the others daily problems and needs.

A GENERATIVE CULTURE, AWARENES FOR HAZARDS IN ALL RANKS and a comprehensive INFORMATION COLLECTING SYSTEM for all kind of LATENT UNSAFE CONDIONS and FAILURES IN THE SYSTEM are nowadays essential for SAFE TRAIN OPERATION. Modern Risk Managements of technical organisations try to reduce the HUMAN ERROR PRODUCING FACTORS in order to increase their SAFETY RECORDS.