On the journey towards the future, Indian`s political leadership embraces the transformation of Indian Railways to a WORLD CLASS STANDART RAILWAY. The objectives are modern Railway Stations, smart Ticketing Systems, refurbished Luxury Coach Interiors, Inter-City Speed-Up by Semi-High and High-Speed Trains on key corridors, a “Diamond Quadrilateral” of High-Speed Lines, Dedicated Freight Corridors, world class and eco-friendly Traction Technology, Asset Management, Digitisation, Processing of Big-Data; see agenda of the 2nd FUTURE RAIL INDIA SUMMIT, held 7-8th December 2017 at Sheraton, New Delhi: Fostering the futuristic Trends of National Railway Plan of Indian Railways:

The fundamentals of a railway are its rail-tracks. Without sound and healthy Rail-Tracks of WORLD CLASS STANDARD QUALITY the envisaged FUTURISTIC AND SMART INNOVATIONS will be pending without a proper fundamentals.

It is sad to find out that in the past so many train-passengers got killed or injured in nasty and unwanted Derailment-Disasters due to the fact, that in the past the Indian Government did not invest and did not organised enough in order to bring all rail-tracks in sound and healthy condition to match the increasing traffic load.

The recent spate of nasty and unwanted Derailment Disasters, killing and injuring Train-Passengers, reveal that on several routes the track-quality is far below WORLD CLASS STANDARDS and is not matching the increasing traffic load. Tracks deteriorate faster than they are maintained, rehabilitated or renewed. In this respect India is lacking behind other railways around the globe.

There is no Railway around the globe other than Indian Railways aiming to become modern, which is still executing such back-rooted tinkering works by composing Long Welded or Continuous Welded Rail-Tracks (LWR/CWR) with short 13 m rails poorly welded in the field by AT welding, which therefore are in need of joggle-fishplate bandages. In this respect India is unique around the globe. Such tracks are not sustainable. They need a high extravagancy in costly surveillance, frequent visual inspections and frequent patch repairs and maintenances, in order to keep the trains running.

Such LWR or CWR Rail-Tracks, composed with 13 rails and poor quality AT welds in need of joggle-fishplate bandages, need urgent re-railing with long milled and flash-butt welded rails of high steel quality.

A poor or low quality rail track needs more frequent surveillance than a high quality track. To keep trains running on a lower or poor quality track is not only more risky but also more cost intensive.

Monitored, detected and documented track irregularities/defects/shortcomings must result in appropriate rectifying actions.

India wants to go for High-Speed Trains. However, High-Speed Technology is a highly expensive short-cut way to move passengers faster and safer between the main cities Delhi, Amritsar, Chandigarh, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Kolkata, Nagpur, Hyderabad, Bangalore and Chennai, than on the conventional ailing rail-tracks.

Several India`s rail-roads age and deteriorate under the increasing traffic load faster than they could be maintained, rehabilitated, upgraded or renewed. To bring all rail-tracks of the network in a healthy and sound condition, ensuring nearly zero train-derailments, will need high capital investment schemes of long-term certainty. The political leadership embracing global trends should also be aware, how much money will be needed in the forthcoming period of 5 to 15 years and what has to be organised to bring all rail-tracks of the network on WORLD CLASS STANDARDS under the Close-To-Zero Derailment Vision.

A comprehensive upgrade of the whole system will need a huge amount of money and structural reforms, and it will take several decades to achieve. Therefore, news about Indian train accidents are not likely to fade soon away.

Modern Railways elaborate a Status-Report or Audit on the condition/status of their full network with regard to their assets-behaviour in order to provide correlations with output quantities and the required financial recourses for re-investment in assets and infrastructure, and as well for maintenance-planning or strategies. Such a Status-Report or Audit could help India to gain information about how sound, healthy and excellent the system is and behaves – or how un-healthy the system is and behaves – and how much money for long-term investment-schemes will be needed in the forthcoming years and what has to be organised in order to bring WORLD CLASS STANDARDS on all tracks of the network.

The ANNEXURES I–III inform about modern Rail-Track Inspection/Monitoring/Scanning-, Mapping-, Visualization- and Track-Condition Data-Collection Systems.

For more information download:STATUS-REPORT-AUDIT ON TRACK-CONDITION.pdf

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