This technical paper is a revision of the Chapter 8 Draft of J.S. Mundrey for the forthcoming 5 th edition RAILWAY TRACK ENGINEERING with modifications and amendments by Dr. F.A. Wingler.

A Railway Track needs to be addressed in its entirety rather by only its individual constituents.

The technical paper deals in Part I with the Load Transfer in Track, with Ballast, Sub- Ballast Blanket Layer, Formation, Substructure and Drainage and delineates and  illustrates in Part II Track-, Hill &  Cutting Slope-Drainage- Systems.

Cuttings are injury to the nature and disturb the natural water-flow. And if not appropriately protected and secured, nature will take revenge with Hill-, Mud- or Rock-Slides. This can cause nasty railway accidents.

Ballast is the “Blood of the Rail Track” and Water is the “Enemy of the Rail Track”. Without a stable, well bearing and well drained Sub-Ballast, Formation, Sub-Grade and Sub-Soil  there will be no stable Rail Track.

Initial High Quality of all interactive Track-Constituents in their entirety result in low Deterioration Rates under given traffic load, and hence initial High Track Quality cuts overall Life Cycle Costs. Quality is no Luxury. Capital Investment in High Quality pays off over the Life Cycle.

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